Just remember, your body temperature only needs to go up a few degrees to really mess you up. So when you hear the Earth’s temperature may rise 2 degrees it’s f’ing serious and potentially lethal - #ClimateChange UncategorizedaltamashJanuary 21, 2019IFTTT, Instagram
Not here - #ALJVDtravels #WHPwanderlust #ppframed UncategorizedaltamashJanuary 20, 2019IFTTT, Instagram
Apparently some egg is the most liked picture on @instagram - Meanwhile I’m wasting my time with a 400mm lens and this chunk of rock - 2019 👌 - #Whpinspiredby #Qamarseries #DearMoon UncategorizedaltamashJanuary 14, 2019IFTTT, Instagram
Quite allot of what inspires me can we summed up in this picture. History and good people to name a few. - #ALJVDtravels #WHPinspiredby #DameTraveler UncategorizedaltamashJanuary 13, 2019IFTTT, Instagram
Who inspires you? - #ALJVDtravels #WHPinspiredby #MasjidSeries UncategorizedaltamashJanuary 12, 2019IFTTT, Instagram
Abnormal Weather Patterns - #BeforetheFlood #whpunexpected #aljvdrone #fromwhereidrone UncategorizedaltamashJanuary 8, 2019IFTTT, Instagram
Unexpected weather patterns - a norm now - #whpunexpected #aljvdrone #fromwhereidrone #djicreator UncategorizedaltamashJanuary 8, 2019IFTTT, Instagram
In 2019 @instagram unexpectedly let’s you post full size images - #MasjidSeries #whpunexpected #aljvdtravels UncategorizedaltamashJanuary 5, 2019IFTTT, Instagram
Don’t be lazy - #whpresolutions2019 #ALJVDrone #Fromwhereidrone #DJIcreator UncategorizedaltamashDecember 30, 2018IFTTT, Instagram
Ridiculously Good 📱 - #ShotoniPhone #Shotoniphonexsmax UncategorizedaltamashNovember 19, 2018IFTTT, Instagram
When people ask me how tall the @burjkhalifa is - #WHPscale UncategorizedaltamashNovember 4, 2018IFTTT, Instagram
Unusual Traffic - #WHPscale #ALJVDrone #DJIcreator #Fromwhereidrone UncategorizedaltamashNovember 3, 2018IFTTT, Instagram